Albrecht Becker ( 1906-2002)

Albrecht Becker ( 1906-2002)

Albrecht Becker's story is a poignant tale of survival and resilience in the face of unimaginable horrors. Born in Germany in 1906, Becker was a talented artist whose life took a drastic turn with the rise of the Nazi regime. As a gay man living in a time when homosexuality was criminalized and persecuted, Becker faced discrimination and danger even before the outbreak of World War II. However, his situation worsened dramatically when he was arrested by the Gestapo in 1938 under Paragraph 175, the law criminalizing homosexuality in Nazi Germany.

Becker was incarcerated in the Dachau concentration camp, where he endured unimaginable suffering and brutality. Despite the dehumanizing conditions of the camp, Becker's artistic talents became a source of solace and defiance. He secretly created art, using whatever materials he could scavenge, as a means of preserving his humanity and bearing witness to the atrocities around him. His artwork, which often depicted scenes of camp life and expressions of resistance, served as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of tyranny.

After surviving the horrors of Dachau, Becker was liberated by Allied forces in 1945. However, the end of the war did not mark the end of his struggles. Like many other gay men who had survived the Holocaust, Becker continued to face persecution and discrimination in post-war Germany. Paragraph 175 remained in effect until the late 1960s, and Becker lived in fear of being arrested and imprisoned once again for his sexuality.

Despite the challenges he faced, Becker refused to be silenced or ashamed of who he was. In the years following his liberation, he continued to create art that explored themes of identity, memory, and resilience. Through his artwork and personal testimony, Becker became a powerful advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and a living testament to the strength of the human spirit.


Albrecht Becker's story serves as a reminder of the immense human cost of hatred and intolerance, as well as the enduring power of art to bear witness to injustice and inspire hope. His courage in the face of unspeakable suffering, and his commitment to living authentically in a world that sought to destroy him, is a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human soul. Becker's legacy lives on as a beacon of hope and resilience, reminding us of the importance of standing up for justice and equality, even in the darkest of times.

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